Plumbing is one of the most stable and attractive industries in the United States. In fact, over half a million Americans work in this sector earning an estimated average annual salary of $60k+. Nevertheless, starting a plumbing business could open the door to even more lucrative earnings as well as increased flexibility and control.

It may feel like little more than a pipe dream right now, but this guide on how to start a plumbing business will teach you how to do it in just 10 simple steps. While there is a lot of work ahead, the road to success starts now.

Why Start a Plumbing Business?

Working as an employee or freelance contractor for a business is a great option for many plumbers. After all, it can provide a guaranteed wage while it also removes the admin side of running a company. Nevertheless, there are over 33.3 small businesses in America, and a lot of plumbing technicians will see the appeal of starting their own SME.

Starting a plumbing business promotes the following rewards;

  • Remove the threat of losing your job and ensure that you have guaranteed employment for life.
  • Work from anywhere in the world, relocating the firm if needed, and set a schedule to suit your lifestyle.
  • Hire a team of employees, meaning you get to choose who you work with and avoid negative working relationships.
  • Remove the ceiling on potential earnings as the company can grow and expand over the years to come.
  • Focus on the types of plumbing jobs and clients that you prefer, such as choosing between residential and commercial.

How to Start a Plumbing Business in 10 Steps

Knowing that you want to start a plumbing business is one thing, but knowing how to do it is another. While every plumbing entrepreneur is on a unique path, the following flow of ideas will help you tap into the market.

Step 1:  Secure your plumbing license

The first step to launching a successful plumbing business is to become a qualified plumbing technician. Aside from gaining the qualifications and certifications needed to complete plumbing assignments, it will be vital for impressing prospective clients. Besides, it is also a necessary step for developing the skills and experience needed to fix common plumbing problems. As well as preparing you for business, it can open the door to traditional jobs.

With NTI, you can complete your education in as little as 12 weeks, meaning you can launch your dream business in a very short space of time. Crucially, it will cover all key aspects of plumbing to ensure you are prepared for working with toilets, water heaters, appliances, external plumbing lines, and plumbing emergencies.

Step 2: Write a business plan

Becoming a competent plumber handles one half of starting a plumbing business. However, the entrepreneurial half is what will take you from employee to employer.  Writing a business plan is a key responsibility. Before you do this, though, it is important to list your business goals and aspirations. A clear vision should provide the motivation to give it your all while additionally guiding your business plan content.

While the information within the business plan will be determined by your circumstances, the formatting and presentation should follow a clear path. As well as a cover page, it should include an executive summary, business overview, market analysis, marketing plan, financial plan, and any other relevant info.

Step 3: Access funding

Plumbing businesses do not require huge outlays, especially as you can operate from your home given that you visit clients directly. Nevertheless, most SMEs in this field can expect to need somewhere between $10,000 and $50,000. Unless you are fortunate enough to have the funds saved, you will rely on outside funding. A strong business plan should help you impress potential investors, but you still need to know where they can be found.

For starters, you should investigate SBA grants. Following this, you can try business loans, angel investors, crowdfunding, credit cards, and borrowing funds from family. There is no single right or wrong path to take, but it’s vital that you have an accurate idea of how much is needed to get the company up and running. 

Step 4: Officially launch the business

You cannot start trading until the company is formed. So, after training for a career in plumbing and funding the venture, you must register it with the SBA. You can do this via an agency if preferred, and it will not cost much money to do. As well as officially naming and registering the company, this is the time to open bank accounts and other relevant accounts like insurance for the company.

The choice between a sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited liability company (LLC) is vital. Meanwhile, if you intend to hire employees, you’ll have to register for an employer identification number (EIN) too. General liability insurance should be supported by workers’ compensation insurance coverage.

Step 5: Invest in equipment

Plumbers don’t only need skills and knowledge. They also need the equipment to complete the jobs. For starters, you’ll need a reliable van for your plumbing work. Staying punctual is essential for maintaining client satisfaction levels while having enough space for the tools ensures that you are ready for everything. Leasing the vehicle is a good option if you want to save cash flow.

You also need a range of plumbing tools (saws, drills, grinders, pipe cutters, screwdrivers, etc.) and inventories (fittings, pipes, valves, thermostats, etc.) as well as safety equipment and other essentials. Otherwise, the quality of your work will be compromised, thus costing you time and money in the long run.

Step 6: Build a plumbing brand

It’s not enough to simply start a general plumbing business. When thinking about how to start a plumbing business, you must also consider who the customers will be and how you can resonate with them. In other words, you need to develop a niche by finding your place in the market. As well as your location, you should consider whether you will focus on specific plumbing services, such as boiler installations or leak repairs.

Rather than simply becoming an option for everyone, you want to become the ‘go-to choice’ for customers who need a certain type of assistance. This information will guide your services list, whether you appeal to businesses or homeowners, and key branding issues like your logo and choice of language. Do not skip this step.

Step 7: Market your business 

Building the brand is one thing, but it counts for very little if nobody knows of its existence. A strong marketing strategy is one of the most important aspects of how to start a plumbing business. Website design for plumbers will provide a strong foundation to build upon. This should be supported by SEO and social media marketing. Crucially, PPC ads should target your demographic.

The truth is that most people who need a plumber will actively look for one. So, a focus on testimonials and other campaigns that build trust should be your priority. Dominating the local market with radio ads and local PR will also make a huge difference. After all, the vast majority of your customers will come from the nearby areas.

Step 8: Assemble a team

The harsh reality is that a plumbing business is only as good as its technicians. Therefore, recruiting a team of plumbers who are as skilled and passionate as you is vital. After all, you will only be responsible for a small percentage of the client interactions and plumbing restorations or installations. A strong team will promote better productivity and improved customer experiences, thus leading to a stronger reputation.

You can find plumbers in many places. Job boards for plumbers are a great starting point. Or you could hire some of the people you met during your training. If nothing else, it is a guaranteed way to know that all employees have relevant skills and use the same methods as your company. 

Step 9: Provide winning services

All of the above steps will take you to a point where you have established your company and have a chance to thrive. However, you will only succeed if you provide a winning service at all times. Following good safety practices should be at the top of your agenda. Likewise, you must commit yourself to providing comprehensive plumbing services that avoid cutting corners and use the best treatments for the client.

A customer-centric approach should also be supported by a friendly attitude and affordable solutions. When you get this right, you will soon develop a reputation that helps you win more customers. Moreover, existing clients will happily return to your venture whenever other plumbing situations emerge.

Step 10: Grow 

Finally, you need to keep working hard and building your client base. As your reputation grows, turning the company into a franchise or hiring more staff can open the door to greater opportunities. Never stop improving. 

Starting a plumbing business could be the key to building a better future on both a personal and professional level. With a clear strategy, the process should become streamlined and enjoyable. Ultimately, this will give you the very best chance of stable success.


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